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Game Time: The Humanity of Men’s Mental Health
But they told me A man should be faithful And walk when not able And fight ‘til the end… But I’m only human (Will You Be There, Michael Jackson) Pre Game: Society socializes men to believe we need to be

Nurturing Interdependence: A Compass for Our Journey in 2024
As we step into the new year, with all of our hopes and wishes, it is essential to reflect on relationships, that web of connections that define our lives. In a world marked by both unity and division, both on

Children’s Mental Health: Family, Community, and Collaboration Go Hand and Hand
In most homes, children learn their basic emotions through engagement and experiences. Which seems fitting and important during a child’s first few years of life. Most often as life picks up speed and children turn teens, we stray away from

The Pursuit of Vulnerability Over Trauma Dumping
Defining Vulnerability and Why It Matters I believe that vulnerability is the key to deep and authentic connection. In my personal and professional life, I’ve seen the value of sharing in a vulnerable way that brings about healing and closeness

Autism in the Therapy Room
April is Autism Awareness Month! Over the past couple of years, the general discourse surrounding autism has grown and developed to the point that it is becoming more widely accepted. People who previously would have dismissed symptoms are embracing their

Balancing Act: Connecting with Others and Time for Yourself
The new year is upon us and for many that means setting goals or selecting a word that represents our hopes and aspirations for the year. For some it is a chance to start over, get unstuck, and find new

It’s the dawning of a new year and time to reflect again on where we’ve been and where we’d like to go. Times have felt chaotic and stressful. There’s so much to do! So many responsibilities! We might find ourselves

Navigating Differences During the Holiday Season:Couples Edition
Tis’ the season for bright lights, gift giving and celebrations honored by many. This is the season that emphasizes empathy and traditions. Holidays bring a thrill, reminders of our values, and connection to those closest to our hearts. The holiday

Gratitude in the Face of Anxiety and Depression
As we enter into the season of Thanksgiving, gratitude is a common theme of conversation. We know it’s a valuable practice and we’ve experienced the positive impact it has when someone expresses gratitude towards us. However, gratitude can often feel