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Defining Self Care: Parent Edition
Defining Self Care: Parent Edition Language around self-care is everywhere– in advertisements, on social media, in books, on “mommy blogs.” Oftentimes though, self-care can feel like a luxury busy parents cannot afford. If you are in a stage that is

Beyond the Trends: What Mental Health Therapy IS
Mental health is a hot topic these days and there seems to be a lot less stigma in seeking and receiving treatment in younger generations. Because talking about mental health is somewhat trendy now, there is a lot of language

Grow ’22: 5 Steps Towards Personal Growth
It’s the dawning of a new year. We are faced with yet another year, it seems, like no year we’ve ever seen before. COVID is still a thing. We have navigated the ups and downs of doing life in the

Making the Most of Winter Break: A High Schooler’s Guide to Managing Free Time Well
If you’re anything like me as a student, it’s likely that you are counting down the days until Winter Break. It’s that time in the semester when everyone is trying to make it through the three weeks between Thanksgiving Break

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Holiday Season Tips! The last quarter of the year is an exciting time: major holidays, significant weather changes, and the promise of a fresh start at the end of the year. Yet despite so many reasons to be jolly, this

Helping Children Navigate Losses
Experiencing a loss is tough and many times we do not know how to manage grief for ourselves, let alone our families. Suddenly our world is turned upside down and no longer seems to make sense. Trying to manage the

Video Games: How They Can Improve You and Your Child’s Connection
Video games are a topic that make many parents uneasy. It can be difficult to see how video games can benefit children when there seems to be so much evidence to the contrary. News stories of violence committed by young

Let’s Talk about Bullying: A Guide for Parents
Bullying has become a hot topic of conversation in schools nationwide, particularly with ever increasing opportunities for cyberbullying. October is National Bullying Prevention Month and educating students on stopping bullies is important work. The trouble is “bullying” has become a